HAYRD which stands for “How are you really doing” is a blog that I have started to talk about and promote Self love and Self care.
At times we put ourselves back in order to step up or forward for our loved ones, careers and goals. I have started HAYRD to remind us that it is ok to take time out and take care of ourselves. It is ok to be selfish at times and take care of ourselves in order to be a better individual.

I sat down one day and realised no matter how much I have going on, when it is time to get ready to go out or to go to bed 🛌 that is usually my “Me time” and the best time to ask myself how are you really doing today?
Open your phone or any device or anywhere you have a calendar 🗓 and write ✍️ the answers you give yourself 6 months from today or when you are read this in 6 months time come back to those same answers or questions that you wrote ✅ ticket those off that you managed to accomplish and add another 6 months to the one you have yet to complete and repeat the cycle.

What I am telling you here is to make time for yourself to check up on yourself and not to wait for others to do that for you. It is ok to put yourself first and yes it is ok to be selfish sometimes and take whatever time you can get to just breath.
We are always worrying ourself and setting up goals and 🎯 targets and what do we do when we complete those goals? Mostly nothing right? Now is the time for you to tap yourself on your back every 6 months when you are able to take even just one task/goal off your list.

If you are worried about a loved 🥰 one add on your calendar 🗓 and say “how is X doing” did they get better? Have they received what they are waiting for? If yes? Cross it out your list and add your next long term task or goal and let me know how you are NOW really doing?

Open your phone or any device or anywhere you have a calendar 🗓 and write ✍️ the answers you give yourself 6 months from today or when you are read this in 6 months time come back to those same answers or questions that you wrote ✅ ticket those off that you managed to accomplish and add another 6 months to the one you have yet to complete and repeat the cycle.

What I am telling you here is to make time for yourself to check up on yourself and not to wait for others to do that for you. It is ok to put yourself first and yes it is ok to be selfish sometimes and take whatever time you can get to just breath.

We are always worrying ourself and setting up goals and 🎯 targets and what do we do when we complete those goals? Mostly nothing right? Now is the time for you to tap yourself on your back and every 6 months when you are able to take even just one task/goal off your list.

If you are worried about a loved 🥰 one add on your calendar 🗓 and say “how is X doing” did they get better? Have they received what they are waiting for? If yes? Cross it out your list and add your next long term task or goal and let me know how you are NOW really doing?

  • Part of Self care is — checking on yourself and not waiting on others.
  • What is bothering you today? That you are sweeping 🧹 under the rug?
  • Are you pretending that you are ok 👌🏾 ✅ but deep down you have a lot going on?
  • Do you feel like there is no one that will understand you or do you feel like no one else in the world 🌎 is or has gone through the same thing?
  • Does it seem like everyone is striving while only you are facing challenges?✨
    That is exactly what our mind lets us believe and it can get very lonely 😔 but no more! Join us at HAYRD.com and talk about it to me and others in the HAYRD community.. maybe someone else is going through it or maybe they have gone through it — what did they do to cope or get over situation?

🦋Let us make HAYRD that open space that we can share the seasons of life without being judged or the feeling of being judged.

Do you have some amazing news 📰 ? Has something exciting happened to you but you feel as though you have no one to share it with? Let me rejoice with you 🙌🏾 I believe that the world 🌍 is big enough for us to not constantly pull each other down but lift each other up because there is enough to go around.

Motivational video

May be this is the season you are being challenged to be your own saviour, your own safe place ✨ 

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