HAYRD x Amazon

Dreams into Reality 

Finding your purpose✨

How to find purpose in life

  • Give back

  • Practice gratitude

  • Turn your pain into purpose

  • Be part of a community/Give back

  • Spend time with people who inspire you

  • Practice self-acceptance

  • Take time for self-care

How often do we talk about what we want to do?

Or how many times do we day dream about making that first move to finally turn our dreams into a reality?

Every time we want to take that step and finally start we freeze.. we get cold feet! We push it back a day and a day turns into a week, then a month and then a year and even years!!!

I know for me, I have been wanting to start my blog for as long as I can remember but what was holding me back would be me questioning myself:

  1. what am I even going to talk about 
  2. Who is even going to read it
  3. Will I get enough ideas to keep it going 
  4. Are people going to go a long with my vision that I have
  5. Will they think I am doing this just for myself?
  6. Will I even find support in family and friends
  7. Will other people even support what I am doing 
  8. What about those negative comments?
  9. Is my skin thick enough to handle harsh critics?
  10. Who are going to be my viewers?

I can go on and on and I will write a 2000 words essay of reasons why I didn’t do it all of these years!

However, I said F it.. I really want to share this, I want to share my thoughts because I am sure someone else out there is thinking or is going through the same thing.

When I first announced that I will be talking about self care and self love.. I did get those concerned messages from people “are you ok?”

Is everything ok with you” are you sure?”

Yes, I am sure!!! But are you sure others are? Ok?

The younger me used not re post any interesting posts that I would find interesting even if it mentions topics that I think people might raise their eyebrows.

I used to think and care that people will think I was talking about myself or my situation!

Sometimes you might see a post that you want to re share simply because you say bravo 👏🏾 people need to read this, people need to be aware of this but we stop ourselves due to judgement or the fear of what others may think!

However, I don’t know if it is because of the older I am getting or why? but I said F it… I am going to start talking about these topics that is affecting so many individuals, no matter their culture, no matter their beliefs, no matter their backgrounds.

We all deal with self love and self care issues one point or another in this life time.

For some it becomes deeper and more serious and for others it is circumstances that bring them to a season of feeling low!

I.e pregnancy, postpartum, job loss, relationship ending, grief, financial crisis etc etc…

All of this does affect us and our ability to self care and self love.

As I was saying, I don’t know  if it is the age or what but one summer night, I was sitting in my room as I was taking some “Me time” and I was watching something but I can’t remember what, however, I remember the day it was the 29th of September and I remember what I was wearing (my oversized joggers with a hoodie and my hair was tied up ) at around 9 pm on a Thursday evening.

I said “I will start my blog” and instantly I said I will call it “How are you really doing?” An open space to share all the seasons of life… the good the bad and the ugly! Then I said “wait, that name is too long” I need to shorten it and again, I had a light bulb moment and “HAYRD” for short came to my mind.

I said but how will I pronounce it? I screamed and called my husband “BB  vien ici” which is French for “ babe, come here”.

My excitement was at level 1000 and I was like so .., “ blah blah blah” without taking a breath cause I was so excited 😆 and when I finished i stayed silent because Lord knows how many ideas I come up with and this man always has to listen to it!

We have a “tell me how you really feel” policy in our relationship so before I called him I activated that incase he thinks that the idea is crazy so that I don’t get offended.

Quick paint a picture vision of our dynamic “ I am the super hyper and easily gets excited type “ while hubby is the “Cool, calm and collected type”. 

So I asked him “what do you think” he goes that is an amazing idea and he started telling me why he thinks I would be great at it ( I couldn’t believe he liked my pitch).

My husband is my number one supporter and the one that helped push me towards some of the amazing decisions I took in life this last 14 years so I value his opinion and not only for that but for me he is the smartest and most intelligent human I have ever come across.

Dating and being married to him opened up my mind and life and food tasting to a way I could have not have imagined!

I used to be the type that would stick to the same food for years or same routine because I never wanted to step out of my comfort zone but he sees me for me and my crazy ambitious self and says go and do it and I’ll mind the kids.. so for me I valued his opinion.

He got super excited and sat on the bed with me and started saying I think that is a great idea because of X and I think you be great at it because of Y and doing this is going to help you achieve Z I was like thank you! for not finding this idea crazy.

I said I will spell a word for you and I want you to say it out loud because I want to hear you pronounce it — this man goes and says it with his French accent and I was like nop that is definitely not how I want it pronounced!

The next day I asked my kids, some friends and no one was pronouncing it the way I knew I wanted it to be pronounced… then it came to me HAYRD I want it pronounced as HEARD because this is going to be a platform where I want people to feel heard.

So HAYRD it was!

The rest is a story for another day! I spent 2 months without getting more than 4 hours of sleep, I would work during the day, when I finish I would spend time with the kids and husband and when it was bed time I started working on my blog ( that process is also a story for another day).

I created my website on September 30th 2022, I said right I don’t have any followers and to be honest I don’t how to get them but I want to write! I want to start sharing with people.

I want to share that whatever your going through “You are not alone” and you are not the first one nor will you be the last to go through it. There are others out there but everyone one is living in fear of sharing because they fear of being judged for weakness and being unstable but the reality is even those people judging probably have gone through it or worse!

So what are you waiting for to do what you always wanted to do?

 To turn your dreams into a reality.

I promise you the hardest step is the first step!

Also best advice I have ever received was “to block out the outside noise… and just start”🌟 

New year, New you!

  1. Follow the HOW ARE YOU REALLY DOING (HAYRD community)
  2. Follow my social media;
  3. Share my posts
  4. Sign up to my blog HAYRD
You are not just doing this for yourself but for others because you don’t who may need to see this message at the time you share it ✨
Help me to help you so we can help each others 🙏🏾
Let’s get HAYRD to 1000 subscribers across all social media platforms to start a PODCAST to talk about Self love ❤️ Self care 🧖🏾‍♀️ and Self WORTH✨


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