HAYRD x Amazon

Have you ever found yourself giving and doing but no one has taken time to ask you how you are really doing? Well, wait no longer! Stop 🛑 reading this post right now and ask yourself “How am I really doing?”. When you get a response then look at all the areas in your life and ask yourself again “How am I really doing”.
Open your phone or any device or anywhere you have a calendar 🗓 and write ✍️ the answers you give yourself 6 months from today or when you are read this in 6 months time come back to those same answers or questions that you wrote ✅ ticket those off that you managed to accomplish and add another 6 months to the one you have yet to complete and repeat the cycle.
What I am telling you here is to make time for yourself to check up on yourself and not to wait for others to do that for you. It is ok to put yourself first and yes it is ok to be selfish sometimes and take whatever time you can get to just breath.
We are always worrying ourself and setting up goals and 🎯 targets and what do we do when we complete those goals? Mostly nothing right? Now is the time for you to tap yourself on your back every 6 months when you are able to take even just one task/goal off your list.
If you are worried about a loved 🥰 one add on your calendar 🗓 and say “how is X doing” did they get better? Have they received what they are waiting for? If yes? Cross it out your list and add your next long term task or goal and let me know how you are NOW really doing?

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